Three exiting Services from TAX, LOGISTICS & ISRAEL
Posted by: admin | on April 11, 2014
Three exiting Services from TAX, LOGISTICS & ISRAEL
Well, as we all know it is a tax season and most of you may are already filed your taxes, but in case you did not , we are delegated when we announce we have added tax preparation service to our ever growing pack of services. Since we want give special attention for every detail for your tax, this year we will be helping only few clients and we are inviting you to be the among the few special invited guests. Since this will be our first year doing tax we are allowing you to test us for free. Here is how the free service will work. We will give you a free “Tax Review” service. Bring all your W-S or 1099s sand we will tell you if you are going to get a refund or if you own money to the IRS. It is a unique service and you will not pay until you satisfy and file your Tax. Also we are IRS Authorized electronic filer. Means, we can file your tax electronically. If you get refund we have several options you can get your money. The refund can be deposited directly to your bank, via Visa card or we can mail your check. We have them all.
Come and visit us. For more info please click here
YebboLogistics. For several years we have been asked by most of you if we have shipping services and we used to they “We do not have”. Now, yes we have it. We just delivered our 1st shipment service to Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Now we can choose more than 40,000 shipping retail services to ship your items to most parts of the world. Simply give us the size, quantity and size of the item and we will give you an estimate. Note! Please consult the list of products those are prohibited form shipping such as exposives or chemicas prior to calling us for a quote For more info please click here |
YebboGoIsreal Now we are ready to serve you more than ever with the addition of our new service called GoIsreal. We are working closely with the Israel Ministry of Tourism to give you up to date travel deals and sales to Israel. Now we are Israel Tour Specialist. We have Israel packages for Orthodox, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and others followers. If you are visiting Israel for spiritual or other purpose we have all sort of packages that will meet your need. Call us and we will give you an existing trip package or can customize your trip package.For more info please click here |
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