Rocky Mtns/Dakotas Weather

Rocky Mtns/Dakotas Weather

Due to the anticipated impact of winter weather to the Rocky Mountains and Dakotas, travel to/from/through the destination(s) listed below may be impacted. Check flight status frequently for up-to-the-minute information about your flight plans, or get updates sent directly to your mobile device or by email with One-Time Flight Notification.

Rapid Reprice will apply; please remember to quote fare rules.


Aberdeen, SD (ABR)

Aspen, CO (ASE)

Bemidji, MN (BJI)

Bismarck, ND (BIS)

Brainerd, MN (BRD)

Casper, WY (CPR)

Colorado Springs, CO (COS)

Denver, CO (DEN)

Duluth, MN (DLH)

Fargo, ND (FAR)

Grand Forks, ND (GFK)

Grand Junction, CO (GJT)

Hayden, CO (HDN)

Hibbing, MN (HIB)

International Falls, MN (INL)

Montrose, CO (MTJ)

Rapid City, SD (RAP)

Vail, CO (EGE)

March 13 – 14, 2019
March 17, 2019
March 17, 2019

Rescheduling Flights

To provide you with flexibility for your travel plans, we’re offering you the following options to choose what best fits your travel needs.

  1. Remain on your current flight.
    • We recommend you continue to monitor your flight status for the most up-to-date information using My Trips on delta.comor on the Fly Delta app.
    • Please note your current flight reservation will remain if you choose not to make any changes.
  2. Change to a different flight.
    • If you select this option, you may make a one-time change and we will waive any applicable change fee.*
    • To change your flight, visit My Trips on and click on “Modify Flight”.
    • Choose “Start Flight Change” and select which flight you would like to change to search for a new flight.
    • The change fee will display initially, however, once you select your new itinerary the change fee will be waived prior to checkout.
    • Note, if changes are made to the originally ticketed cities or rescheduled travel occurs beyond the guidelines, the change fee will be waived, however, a difference in fare may apply.*
  3. You may choose to cancel your trip, and use the value towards a future flight.
    • You may cancel your flight and apply any unused value of the ticket toward the purchase of a new ticket for a period of one year from the original issue date.
    • Applicable change fee and fare difference will apply for new travel dates and will be collected at the time of booking the new ticket.
    • To cancel your flight, visit My Trips on and click on “Modify Flight” then choose “Start Flight Cancelation”.

In the event your selected flight is canceled by Delta, we will contact you with additional information.

*When rescheduled travel occurs beyond March 17, 2019, the change fee will be waived. However, a difference in fare may apply. Final travel must be completed by end of ticket validity, one year from date of original issue. If travel is not able to be rescheduled within these guidelines, customers may cancel their reservation and apply any unused value of the ticket toward the purchase of a new ticket for a period of one year from the original ticket issuance. Applicable change fee and fare difference will apply for new travel dates. Final travel must be completed by end of ticket validity.

Conditions & Restrictions

Eligibility only for customers with an Original Ticket Issue Date on or before March 12, 2019.  Changes to origins and destinations may result in an increase in fare. Any difference in fare between your original ticket and the new ticket will be collected at the time of booking.

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